Hi there! My name is Xing (pronunciation; similar to “H’sing”). I am a PhD student in Statistics at Imperial College London. I joined the EPSRC CDT in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial and Oxford in 2020, where I have been advised by Professor Axel Gandy and Dr Andrew Duncan. I am also a visiting student in the Fundamentals of Statistical Machine Learning research group at UCL.

My research interests lie in the intersection of kernel methods and computational statistics. Specifically, I am exploring the applications of Kernelized Stein Discrepancy to address challenges in computational statistics, including areas such as distribution testing, particle-based inference and parameter estimation.


:mortar_board: PhD in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning, 2020-2024, Imperial College London
:mortar_board: MASt (Part III) in Mathematical Statistics, 2019-2020, University of Cambridge
:mortar_board: BSc in Mathematics with Statistics, 2016-2019, Imperial College London


Here is an unofficial LaTex poster template for maths/stats projects with a Imperial College theme. See the links therein for references.


I am/was a Teaching Assistant for the following courses:

  • Autumn 2023: M.Sc. in Statistics Orientation Week. Led by Dr Oliver Ratmann.
  • Spring 2023: Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning. Lectured by Dr Anastasia Borovykh.
  • Spring 2022: Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation. Lectured by Dr James Martin.
  • Autumn 2021: Applicable Maths. Lectured by Dr James Martin.
